- Peach flower has four components called calyx, corolla, stamen group and pistil group called complete flower, bisexual flower. And through the center of the flower, several symmetry planes can be made. The model can be used as a visual aid tool when you teaching the shape and structure of peach blossom in middle school and college.
- Calyx and corolla, the most prominent part of the flower corolla, pink removable
Pistil: the center of the seat flower, consisting of stigma, style, and ovary (Ovary as section).
Stamens: It consists of anthers and filaments. The peach stamens have a total of 25 filaments. It plays a supporting role. The anther is a sac-like structure and is the place where pollen grains form.
Item Dimensions: W17 x D17 x L13 cm