The model is designed as a visual aid for teaching physiology and hygiene courses. It helps the students to understand the relationship between the human body figure and the skeleton. It can also be used for studying the morphology of bones and the construction of joints.
An adult male skeleton is set in a standing posture. (Hyoid bone, ear ossicles are not represented.) The joints of the upper and lower extremities are movable.
Skull: composed of 22 pieces of bones with serrated sutures lines are marked out. Calvarium is transversely cut to show the interior structures of the skull.
Vertebral column: composed of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae and 5 lumbar vertebrae, a piece of sacrum, a piece of the coccyx, and 23 intervertebral discs. The vertebral column shows four curvatures, i.e. Cervical and Lumbar curvatures, being convex forward, thoracic and sacral curvature, being convex backward.
Bony pelvis: composed of sacrum, coccyx, and two pieces of hip bones.
Bony thorax: composed of 24 rids a piece of costal cartilages and a piece of the sternum. It includes 7 pairs (1-7) of true rids, 3 pairs (8-10) of false rids, and 2 pairs (11-12) of floating ribs.
Bones of upper extremities: composed of 64 pieces of separable bones. The pectoral griddle (scapula and clavicle) are fixed on the bony thorax, the remaining parts of the upper extremities can be taken down. The main joints (shoulder, elbow, and wrist) are movable.
Bones of lower extremities: composed of 62 pieces of separable bones. The pelvic
griddle (hip bone) is fixed to construct the bony pelvis. The remaining parts of the
lower extremities can be taken down. The main joints (hip, knee, and ankle) are
CONSTRUCTION: The model is made of PVC plastic.